Continuity and Change in Asia
1. vydání 2023
The theme of ‘continuity and change’ is generally acknowledged as an important and a highly complex problem. Asia is considered as one of the most dynamically changing parts of the worlds. The quick economic, political and socio-cultural changes are generating interesting topics in those scholarly fields such as anthropology, ethnography, linguistics and literary studies, or in other fields of social, political and economic science. Especially after the years of anti-Covid 19, measures it is important to understand what remains stable or what had been changed and may be lost forever.
Product Details
99999999 Items
- Author
- Kraus, Filip (ed.)
- Co-author 1
- Westlake, Renata (ed.)
- Co-author 2
- Šamajová, Kateřina (ed.) a kol
- Publisher
- Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého
- Language
- English
- Publication type
- collection, catalogue
- Format
- AT
- Dimensions
- 16 x 23 cm
- Reference
- 100200498