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Mluv, abych tě viděl. Antologie textů z teorie rozhlasové tvorby

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Kč 350


1. vydání 2023
Umění a teorie umění
The book systematizes the most important studies of Czech radio theory in one place, supplemented by translations of two influential foreign studies. In four sections, nearly two dozen studies by theorists and practitioners of radio production are presented, the aim of the anthology being to offer a comprehensive framework of theoretical thinking on radio production that has not yet existed. In terms of the subject of research, the individual articles focus on literary and dramatic radio production, thematizing the fundamental issues of the radio creative process (dramaturgy, directing, acting), issues of auditory adaptation of literary works and genre studies (Jan Lopatka, Rudolf Matys), the basis of methodologically anchored analysis of radio artifacts (Götz Schmedes, Elke Huwiler) and the theory of radio production (Alena Štěrbová, Jan Vedral). After many decades, the book makes available texts that have remained inaccessible to readers, while forming the backbone of Czech thinking on radio production (Václav Růt, František Kožík, Olga Srbová), and also offers valuable theoretical contributions by the creators themselves (Jiří Horčička, Josef Melč, Josef Henke). The book is intended for all those interested in radio production, those interested in literature and its adaptations, theoreticians and practitioners, and last but not least for teachers and students of relevant fields.
123 Items
Bojda, Tomáš (ed.)
Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého
Publication type
Ost. odb. publikace
16 x 24 cm