Sexting u žáků na 1. stupni základní školy
1. vydání 2023
The expert monograph Sexting in Pupils at the First Stage of Primary School is oriented on the issue of a risky communication phenomenon, the beginnings of which can be observed already in children at the age of primary education. However, no attention is paid by researchers to sexting in relation to this age category, therefore the monograph can be considered a unique work of its kind in this respect. It presents an introduction to the chosen topic and its substantial part consists of the results of a research investigation focused on the oprevalence of sexting in its (sub)dimensions among pupils of younger school age. The publication is thus intended not only for future/current teachers and parents of primary school children, but aslo for all interested professionals and the general public.
Product Details
99999994 Items
- Author
- Dobešová, Pavla
- Co-author 1
- Szotkowski, René
- Co-author 2
- Kopecký, Kamil
- Publisher
- Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého
- Language
- Czech
- Publication type
- monographs
- Format
- B5
- Dimensions
- 18 x 25 cm
- Reference
- 105500503
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